Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Are The 5 Good Oral Habits?

The importance of good oral hygiene cannot be understated, not only for the appearance and first impression associated with good teeth but also for the health of your overall body. It’s no secret that poor dental care can also lead to a number of medical and teeth-related problems.

Not only can it lead to gum disease and infection, but it can also cause bone loss, heart disease, strokes, and other serious health problems. But there is no need to panic because with a few simple and good dental care habits you can prevent all these serious issues from arising. 

Keeping our teeth and mouths clean is only one benefit of routine dental care. You can suffer from painful dental problems as a result of neglecting dental care and you can also face problems chewing your food properly. 

But thanks to factors such as advancements in dental technology, better access to information, and a healthier lifestyle, access to quality dental services has improved significantly in recent years. Therefore, we have illustrated a few oral care habits that are really good for you!

5 oral care habits that are very important for your dental health

Here are some of the dental care practices that you can follow to upgrade your overall health: 

Focus on basic dental care:

Regular tooth brushing and flossing are the cornerstones of good oral health. This removes food particles accumulated between your teeth and cleans your mouth. We often focus on doing tons of things but we forget to follow the basics which can impact our overall dental health. In addition to preventing gum disease and tooth decay, brushing and flossing prevent the buildup of plaque. It also stops bacteria from growing and thriving in the mouth. Gum disease is one of the major causes of tooth loss in childhood. Therefore, focusing on brushing and flossing acts like a stepping stone toward excellent dental health. 

Clean your teeth more deeply:

Hardened plaque, also known as tartar, can be removed by a deeper cleaning procedure when brushing and flossing are not sufficient. Dental hygienists normally perform cleaning procedures but you can use mouthwash if you can’t visit the dentist for the cleaning. 

The process involves scraping off hardened plaque with a machine and special formulations. To prevent bacteria from adhering under the gum line, hygienists polish the surface of the teeth. Staining of the teeth can also be treated by whitening procedures.

Make healthy eating a priority

The importance of diet in dental care cannot be overstated. The consumption of sugar increases the risk of cavities, which can result in toothache and tooth loss. Dietary fiber, organic fruits, and vegetables are recommended by the dentist to strengthen your dental health. Smoking can also stain teeth and cause tooth decay, so it should be avoided. Keep a regular dental checkup and treatment schedule with your dentist to prevent future problems.

Do not forget your tongue

Cleaning teeth is vital and it is a very good dental care habit to follow. But we often neglect the tongue. Your tongue can also accumulate plaque. The consequences of this can include bad mouth odor, as well as other oral care issues. When brushing your teeth, be sure to gently brush your tongue as well.

To maintain good oral health, use fluoride toothpaste

A toothpaste’s whitening power and flavor are not the most important factors to consider. Choose a fluoride-containing product no matter what. Using fluoride teeth can be a game-changing step in your oral care regime. One of the many important habits you can form to upkeep your dental health is using fluoride toothpaste because it is an ultimate defense against tooth erosion and prevents germs and bacteria. 

Lastly, while adopting the above-mentioned habits you must visit your dental care provider at regular intervals, as he\she can give you a better idea about what is good for your dental health.