Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Suffering From Jaw Pain?

Here’s What You Need To Know
Jaw pain is one of the most common issues people are facing these days. The reason for the same could either be incorrect positioning of teeth or imbalance in the oral architecture. The extent to which pain occurs depends on its root cause.

Symptoms of Jaw Pain
Severe pain in jaws, morning headache, ear pain wherein the jaw pain radiated to the ear and causes a ringing sensation. This might result in a locked jaw.

Causes of Jaw Pain
The pain in your jaws can be very troubling. Identifying the issue is the first step towards treating jaw pain. Some of the common causes to look out for jaw pain are:

Abscessed tooth
Tooth abscess is an infection that occurs between the gum and a tooth. The most common cause of a tooth abscess is tooth decay. An abscess should be treated and diagnosed by a dentist. If left without treated, an abscess transforms into a worse infection that spreads elsewhere and puts you at a risk for tooth loss.

Teeth grinding
Teeth grinding is one of the known causes of jaw pain. Some people grind their teeth while sleeping and the other grind them when they feel stressed. When teeth grinding is left untreated, it results in other dental issues. Some of the ways to stop teeth grinding are wearing a mouthguard or practicing stress relieving exercises.

Nerve damage
Sometimes jaw pain is a result of nerve pain. Trigeminal neuralgia which is caused by compression on the trigeminal nerve arouses sensation to the face, including the upper and lower jaw. If you think you are experiencing such signs, consult your physician as soon as possible.

Dental conditions
Other causes of jaw pain may include cavities or tooth decay. Although these issues do not affect the jaw directly but the pain radiates to the jaw area. Individuals having gap in between their teeth or suffering from damaged teeth may also experience jaw pain while biting or chewing. Therefore, it is recommended to practice a good oral health care routine. To reduce the risk of developing such conditions, it is recommended to visit a dentist.

Sinus pain
Sinus allergies or infections can be one of the causes of jaw pain. You can try nasal spray for short-term, however, if the pain does not vanish, it’s time to see a dentist.

Wrong biting habits
In a “good bite”, all your teeth are lined up while chewing the food. However, with a “bad bite”, you only have a few teeth lined up. Bad bites can be in the form of an overbite or an underbite. An uneven bite means your jaw isn’t functioning the way it should. This results in wear and tear along with pain in jaw bones and muscles.

Are you also seeing any of these signs? If yes, schedule an appointment with us. Our experts will connect with you right away to get all your jaw pain issues treated.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.