Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How to Recognize and Treat Gingivitis: Symptoms and Causes

Gingivitis is the initial stage of periodontal disease. It develops with food particle deposits and converts into plaque, then tartar. Once it solidifies at tartar, it makes your gums bleed. The condition starts with infection but can lead to advanced-stage periodontal issues. The treatment process includes professional cleaning and regular dental visits.

This article will provide insights about how to recognize and treat gingivitis. You will learn about symptoms to identify the condition. Also, you will know more about what causes it and which preventive measures can help you in the long run.

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a common condition that most people suffer from. It is the initial stage that indicates periodontal problems in your oral health. If ignored, it can cause severe discomfort and infection. It causes irritations, redness, and bleeding gums. It is essential to take this condition seriously and treat it as soon as it is diagnosed.

Gigitivitis might not cause bone loss, but it can result in tooth loss if left untreated. The common cause of Gingivitis is unhygienic oral routine. Proper care of teeth, such as brushing and flossing daily, can prevent and reverse its effects.

Common Symptoms of Gingivitis

Healthy gums are firm in shape. They usually have pale pink in color. Symptoms for gingivitis aren’t easily detectable. But you might observe several hints. It is essential to visit dentists every other month. You also might see sensitivity when consuming hot and cold foods. Here are some common signs of Gingivitis one can develop:

  • Swollen or puffy gums.
  • Bright red or gums that are darker than usual or darker red shade.
  • Gums bleed quite quickly when you brush or floss.
  • Tender gums.
  • Bad breath.

Risk Factors Associated with Gingivitis

Anyone can have gingivitis. Several factors can lead to gingivitis. You must keep a close eye on your oral health to ensure you have good oral condition.

  • Crooked teeth that are hard to clean
  • Drugs consumption such as Dilantin Phenytek.
  • Birth control pills
  • Old age
  • Smoking, Tobacco
  • Low immunity conditions such as cancer, HIV treatment
  • Viral or fungal infections
  • Poor nutrition, such as low vitamin C consumption

Causes of Gingivitis

Poor oral hygiene is the leading cause of periodontal diseases. Gingivitis is caused if gums are irritated due to prolonged exposure to tartar or plaque. Pregnant women and diabetic patients have a higher risk of Gingivitis than others. Here are some of the top causes of periodontal conditions.

  • Plaque Forms on Teeth Surface

If not cleaned properly, food particles can deposit on the tooth surface. They turn into plaque. You must brush twice and floss daily to ensure all teeth surfaces are adequately cleaned. You can visit the dentist every year for professional cleaning. This will help you clear your hair to reach corners properly.

  • Plaque Turned into Tartar

If you ignore plaque buildup, it might get cemented to your tooth surface. You need scaling and root planning to remove this tartar from the surface. It is essential to remove it before it solidifies. It can develop into more advanced forms if ignored.

  • Gingiva Becomes Irritated and Swollen

Gingiva swells and gets irritated during periodontal issues. You might see bleeding and observe sensitivity due to gingivitis. This condition is contagious and transferable. It can spread from saliva to saliva contact. You must avoid spitting or oral contact if you have existing periodontal issues.

Preventive Measures

Preventive steps can help you maintain good oral health. With the necessary hygiene steps and routine, you can avoid periodontal problems. It is essential to control infection. You can minimize its impact and reverse gingivitis with good oral care. Here are some preventive measures you can follow to improve your dental hygiene.

  • Good Oral Care

You need to take good oral oral care to avoid any periodontal condition. You can use hydrogen peroxide dilute solution to clear excess food particles. You must brush and floss your teeth daily. With a hygienic oral routine, you can avoid food deposits from the surface of your teeth.

  • Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

You should avoid excess sugar consumption. You must prevent the consumption of alcohol and chewing tobacco. If you smoke, you need to minimize it, especially after a dental procedure. A healthy lifestyle can help you improve your oral condition and avoid periodontal problems.

  • Antimicrobial Mouthwash

If you have foul breath, antimicrobial mouthwash can minimize the smell. It is a great option to reduce poor smell at home. However, you must visit your dentist if you observe bleeding or swollen gums.

  • Regular Dental Exams

The last but essential preventive measure is to visit your dentist regularly. You must see your dentist every few months as a regular checkup can be a preventive step. They might offer suggestions and advice on how to deal with specific issues professionally.


Untreated Gingivitis can be the reason for the underlying disease. You must observe every development during a periodontal issue. This way, you can identify which problem you are dealing with. Gingivitis and its symptoms depend on which stage you are in. If it is causing extreme pain or discomfort, it is essential to take strict action to treat it.

With our experts at Victoria Dentist TX, you can get gingivitis treatment options. You can also explore alternative treatments and find better diagnoses.