Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How painful are braces on the first day?

Teeth alignment treatment uses braces to get desired teeth shape and a pleasant smile.
When your braces are first installed, you might experience little to no discomfort or pain. Read more about the first few days’ experience with braces.

Day 1 with braces

Although you may have some discomfort for the first few hours or a day, it can also cause soreness in the mouth. Therefore, doctors advise avoiding eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods during the first several days after brace implantation. Instead, it would be best to eat a soft and liquid diet such as mashed potatoes, macaroni and pasta, yogurt, soups, and other soft drinks and foods that don’t require you to touch or chew much of your teeth.

Day 2nd and 3rd with Braces

It’s possible that the first two to three days after braces feel uncomfortable and continue to cause a little pain and soreness. The archwire and brackets are putting pressure on teeth to change position. Over-the-counter pain relievers can reduce this pain to help feel better, and Saltwater can also be beneficial to reduce the discomfort and pain.

Importance of Regular Appointment

You will have regular sessions with the orthodontic to adjust the braces. Depending on the requirement of braces for your teeth, it can take three months to a year-long. Braces tightening will be done every 4-6weeks. Your doctor might ask you for frequent visits to check on your progress. Brace wire and brackets are adjusted with gentle pressure to get the desired shape in every session.

The first few days after an adjustment or when a new wire is implanted might cause discomfort, but less than the previous one. All the discomfort, soreness, and pain due to braces are temporary and will reduce as you get accompanied with them. Follow doctor’s guidelines carefully.