Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How long after an implant can I get a crown?

Dental implants are prosthetic appliances that act as replacements for missing teeth. They substitute for a person’s natural teeth that require removal due to factors such as severe dental decay, facial injury, periodontal diseases, and so forth. A dental implant is a screw or frame composed of titanium and similar materials supporting tooth replacement. The first step entails anchoring the implant – a screw-like structure – into the jawbone at the position where the new tooth will be attested. After three to six months, the screw is completely fused with the bone, and a dental expert attaches a replacement crown to the tiny metal post protruding from the jaw. Now that we have deliberated upon the basics of a dental implant let’s try and answer the looming question of how many times a crown needs to be fixed on to the implant.

The Crown of a Dental Implant
Most patients receive an implant over several months. Several appointments, surgeries, and diagnostics tests are a veritable part of a dental implant procedure. As we have already mentioned, the dental crown placement atop the titanium implant on the jawbone is the concluding step of the process. It is noteworthy to highlight that it takes between three months to six months for a crown to be attested after the implant is fused into the jaw bone. The underlying criterion is that the titanium implant has to be adequately fused into the overall jaw. The entire place needs to be healed for the placement of the crown. 

In conclusion, opting for traditional dental implants is a long and tedious process, but it is worth all the patience as the culmination is fantastic. But, to counter the longevity of the dental implant procedure, one-day implants have been innovated that can be fixed into a person’s jaw on the day of the appointment. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!