Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How Can Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities?

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is caused by the breakdown of the tooth’s outer protective layer, known as enamel, due to bacteria and acidic substances. Bacteria and results generate acid to the eventual destruction of tooth enamel and tooth decay. This may result in discomfort, infections, tooth loss, and even poisoning if the decay particles consumed are poisonous or do not seek treatment.

People can quickly develop cavities despite all the measures and precautions observed while at-home dental care. You may wish to get dental sealants as an added layer of protection. Look at the following and see how dental sealants assist in avoiding cavities.

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a well-known remedy, and they are applied to help prevent cavities that may develop on the teeth in the posterior region. The treatment commonly advised by dentists is sealant application on the molars or premolars of the patient. Molars are the teeth used most in chewing foods, and these activities also determine the wear of someone’s teeth. Sealants should be applied to these teeth, so dentists recommend doing it.

Why Get Sealants?

Brushing and flossing will help you remove most of the food debris and plaque from the smooth surfaces of the teeth, but you cannot always reach all the grooves of the back teeth to remove the food and plaque. These regions are shielded from cavities through sealants, which work by sealing out stains and food particles from the teeth.

Who Should Get Sealants?

Due to the susceptibility of the depressions and grooves of the premolars and molars to decay, children and teenagers are suitable candidates for sealants. Sealant placement may be used for asymptomatic adults with no decay or fillings on their molars.

There are also certain situations when dental sealants might be necessary for baby teeth, including when a child has deep grooves on the baby teeth. Since both baby teeth and the space they maintain are vital to healthy gums for permanent teeth, these teeth should not be lost prematurely.

Dental sealant application process

  • The first procedure that the dental hygienist will undertake is to scale the teeth that receive the dental sealants.
  • The next step involves wiping out the tooth completely with cotton or any other material that is placed over the tooth to avoid contact with any moist surface.
  • Occasionally, a dentist applies a form of “etching” solution to the biting surfaces of the teeth. This will help in “roughening them up” and helps the sealant bond with the teeth within 24 hours of application of the agent. It is important to note that in some cases, if the dentist applies a specific kind of sealant, then this step may not be carried out.
  • The teeth are then rinsed and dried, provided that step 3 is done.
  • Finally, the sealant is painted onto the teeth’ enamel when the teeth are dry. This assists in attaching to the tooth’s structure and compels it to harden. A situation may occur when a dentist uses a particular light, which quickens the formation of sealant.

Benefits of Dental Sealants

There are many benefits to getting dental sealants at Victoria Dentist TX clinic, including:

  • They act as a protective shield: As mentioned, dental sealants offer supplementary treatment to your teeth and augment your brushing and flossing regimen. The sealant is on the job 24/7 so that at any time you eat, or these small pieces get stuck in the depths of the teeth, the bacteria cannot penetrate that protective layer.
  • They help you avoid pain: Bacteria can harm your teeth significantly; for instance, they can lead to decay, which is always painful. If they can penetrate further into the tooth enamel or the cavity and the decay, the pain opportunities are higher.
  • They help you avoid expensive restorations: Apart from the pain, deterioration of the oral condition results in costly procedures ranging from simple fillings to complex procedures such as crowning or root canal procedures.
  • They are a pain-free treatment: There is virtually no discomfort during Sealants (no anesthetic!). It is a clear liquid resin that can be applied using a brush, and it only takes a few seconds for every tooth.
  • They boost oral care: Your routine cleaning, brushing, flossing, and dental cleanings and checkups are the best protectors of your teeth. But still, your dental sealants are like applause for your oral hygiene, giving an additional shield to the most at-risk part of your teeth.
  • They are long-lasting: Dental sealants are applied in seconds and offer protection for several years. Your dentist checks sealants at your routine dental checkup to see if they are still intact or may require reapplication.
  • They are usually a common benefit: Most dental benefits have a provision to cover dental sealants at a certain age since it is considered a preventive measure that would save you some money in terms of vital work in the future.

Thus, dental sealants have numerous advantages that can protect your teeth and offer additional prevention.

How effective are dental sealants in preventing cavities and tooth decay?

Sealants may be equally useful to children and adults in preventing cavities and tooth decay. Furthermore, sealants prevent cavities and should be applied once the first molars arrive (as early as age 6). Thus, excellent oral hygiene, practiced right from when the first baby teeth show up, saves you both time and money for dental problems in the future.

Dental sealants work similarly to raincoats for your teeth. Similarly, as raincoats help you avoid getting wet, sealants help prevent teeth from being colonized by disease-causing bacteria. Having sealants does not guarantee that one cannot get cavities, but that chances are minimal, hence protecting our teeth and gums.

Summing It Up

Would you like more information on applying dental sealants to your teeth? Do not hesitate to contact Victoria Dentist TX. We will gladly provide any further information you might need. We are always pleased to assist you in choosing the right course of action for your teeth and oral hygiene.