Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

5 Benefits of Dental Sealants For Your Child

Children are at high risk of developing bad breath and tooth decay due to their dietary habits. As parents, it is essential to educate and encourage them to adopt good oral hygiene practices. Fortunately, there are various treatments available to preserve their dental health, and one of them is dental sealants. 

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants act as a protective barrier for molars, shielding them from harmful bacteria that can cause cavities. These thin coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth as part of preventive oral care. They are typically administered by oral healthcare professionals such as hygienists or dentists. 

Oral sealants are made from various materials by manufacturers, with medical-grade resins and glass ionomers being the two popular options. The materials create a smooth, transparent surface barrier that shields teeth from decay-causing bacteria and acidic erosion. This protection is especially crucial for children and teenagers.  

Popular preventative measures such as dental sealants are recommended for young patients, especially children and teenagers. It is advised to apply these sealants as soon as their permanent molars and premolars emerge, safeguarding their teeth during the cavity-prone years of ages 6 to 14. 

Protecting Your Child’s Molars: Understanding Their Structure and Importance

A child’s teeth are delicate compared to an adult’s teeth. By age seven, they usually have a complete set of teeth, including the molars, essential for proper chewing. The molars’ strong structure makes them ideal for crushing tough food. However, they are also prone to bacterial attacks, leading to cavities and decay.

Due to crushing stubborn food, molars require adequate care to prevent decay. Their rough surface makes them more susceptible to corrosion compared to other teeth. Regular brushing and flossing are crucial to maintaining oral health. However, dental sealants are an effective option for removing stubborn food particles that may evade removal.

Who is qualified to administer dental sealants? 

Experts like dentists and hygienists apply oral sealants. Teeth are cleaned and examined before the sealant is applied. A material is put on the tooth and then rinsed off, followed by the sealant material, which is hardened with a light. It is a painless procedure, but it requires the patient to stay still. 

5 Benefits of Dental Sealants for Children:

Dental sealants are a valuable preventive measure that can benefit individuals of all ages, but it is particularly crucial for children. Opting for molar sealants is a straightforward and affordable solution that offers numerous benefits for your child’s oral health. These include:

    1. Healthy molars: Dental sealants are an excellent way to maintain your child’s molars health. Since molars are crucial to oral functionality, they are susceptible to plaque and cavity buildup. Sealants protect them from food particles and bacteria that can cause decay. If any debris accumulates, a simple rinse with mouthwash easily removes it in the presence of sealants.
    2. Protects against dental cavities: The formation of plaque on a child’s teeth can lead to the development of cavities, which are far from being a pleasant experience. Thankfully, dental sealants offer a viable solution to prevent such issues and safeguard your child’s oral health from the potential stress and discomfort of treating cavities or tooth loss.
    3. Ensuring fresh breath for Your Child: Plaque accumulation doesn’t just lead to tooth decay but can also cause unpleasant odors in the mouth. This buildup emits a harsh smell that can embarrass your child, potentially affecting their self-esteem in social situations. Dental sealants prevent this issue by controlling plaque buildup. 
    4. Quick and painless: oral sealants are a simple and painless procedure that takes just a few minutes to apply. Even fidgety kids can handle it! Your dentist will usually apply sealants after regular cleaning. Once the sealants are in place, they’ll dry in just a few minutes, and your child can return to eating normally.
  • Prolonged durability: Sealants provide long-lasting protection for teeth, particularly during the cavity-prone childhood years. With proper care and maintenance, sealants can endure for many years. Regular oral check-ups will ensure the sealants are in good condition, and the dentist will suggest any needed repairs or re-application. 

Dental sealants are a quick, painless, and effective way to protect your child’s molars from decay and bad breath. With proper care, they can last for many years, ensuring your child’s oral health during their most cavity-prone years.