Smile Point Dental Victoria

Dental care

Can acid reflux erode your teeth?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is popularly known as acid reflux and is a disease leading to chronic heartburn. But, how is this stomach-linked condition related to teeth erosion? During acid reflux, the stomach contents, including stomach acid, leak into the esophagus and reach the mouth, resulting in a burning sensation in the digestive tract. GERD occurs when the muscle at the lower portion of the esophagus does not shut correctly or randomly remains open for a while, thereby allowing the stomach’s contents to leech back into the mouth.

Can GERD cause tooth erosion?

The wearing down of tooth structure or enamel is known as tooth erosion. One very typical indication that a person may be suffering from severe acid reflux is tooth erosion. A dentist may be able to identify GER by examining the patterns of teeth erosion.

Although tooth erosion is dangerous, it is avoidable. Some of the ways to avoid tooth erosion by acid reflux are:

  1. You must avoid brushing your teeth for an hour after an acid-reflux episode. The optimal alternative is to rinse your mouth with tepid water.
  2. You should avoid highly acidic foods such as citrus fruits, spicy food, fried food, and very hot or cold beverages.
  3. Avoiding enamel-corrosive food items such as vinegar
  4. Products like chocolate and dairy can also aggravate tooth erosion by acid reflux. Hence, it is advisable to shun them.
  5. You should always carry sugar-free antacids and dissolve them inside your mouth. Make sure that you do not chew the tablets.
  6. Saliva is the best defense mechanism against acid reflux. Thus, chewing sugar-free gum encourages saliva production to neutralize and wash away the acids inside the mouth.
  7. You can also opt for toothpaste with good fluoride content to strengthen the tooth enamel.
  8. Avoiding alcohol and smoking and refraining from eating three hours before bedtime may considerably reduce the frequency of acid reflux episodes.

Steps to identify tooth enamel erosion

Acid reflux can wear down your precious enamel as well as the chewing surfaces of your mouth, and you may be completely unaware. Precaution is always better than cure within the domain of health. Some of the signs and symptoms of enamel erosion are –

  • Sensitivity of tooth pain while drinking hot, cold, or sweet beverages.
  • Yellowish discoloration of the teeth
  • In case you have fillings, you may observe changes in them.
  • Tooth loss, in extreme cases
  • You may also develop abscesses in severe cases. 

After erosion grapples your teeth, you may require fillings, crowns, a root canal, or even tooth removal.

Acid reflux, indeed, causes tooth enamel erosion. The best solution is to avoid severe episodes of acid reflux by making positive dietary and lifestyle changes. Lastly, regularly visiting the dentist is an all-around answer to steer clear of any dental problems.

In case you have discomfort or pain in teeth or gums, please visit your nearest dentist at the earliest.

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