Smile Point Dental Victoria

Dental care

What Are the Advantages of Oral Sedation

If the thought of having dental treatment makes you nervous, sedation dentistry is the right answer. Sedation dentistry helps patients get rid of dental phobia. Sedation dentistry is used to calm a patient so that they can successfully go through dental treatment. Since the treatment is completely pain-free and does not require the use of needles, patients are inclined towards this form of treatment. There are multiple degree of sedation available that are prescribed on the basis of individual needs of patients.

Patient anxiety is easily controlled by using sedative medications that offer relaxation. It brings together a less stressful dental experience. Oral sedation makes you feel incredibly relaxed and at ease. It can help both children and adults who have anxieties about going to the dentist. Before going through oral sedation, our dentists do a thorough consultation to determine if you are an ideal candidate.

The treatment method calms your nerves but still allows you to be aware. Maximum comfort is ensured during the procedure. The type recommended will depend on the level of your anxiety, health and the length of treatment performed. With a light oral sedation, you will remain relaxed but still be alert, however, with moderate sedation, you stay conscious but your memory of what all occurred would fade. Patients may doze off a little but would wake up easily.

Our dentists make every possible effort to ensure that you feel safe and comfortable during the treatment. After the treatment is accomplished successfully, the recovery would start on the basis of medication that was prescribed. Some of the symptoms that are common after the treatment are temporary headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting. But this may lessen with time. If you are still concerned about the symptoms after returning from the treatment, do not hesitate to ask our dentists.

Schedule a consultation with one of our skilled dentists to understand and learn more about the oral sedation techniques. We will work with you to find an ideal option that matches your needs.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

How flossing help gums?

Flossing is a very important cleaning process as its regular practice removes plaque, also prevents its build up, which can lead to tartar. Flossing works on areas which are inaccessible by the tooth brush( such as the in between areas of teeth and tight reaches of the gums, thus, it can make the teeth look brighter by removing plaque and excess food particles that are difficult to be seen in the mirror.

Flossing is to mouth just as a vacuum cleaner is to your carpet. Picture a carpet in your mind before and after it is vacuum cleaned. Initially the dust and dirt may not be visible, but once you vacuum and the dust and dirt is removed, the carpet looks brighter. The same purpose is fulfilled by flossing in the mouth.

What Does Flossing Do To Your Gums?

They say “cleanliness is next to godliness”, this statement is a universal truth. Absence of cleanliness is the root cause of a lot of diseases. Keeping your gums unclean makes them unhealthy. Even brushing your teeth twice a day might not be able to save you from that fate, unless you support brushing with flossing. Tooth brushing is essential for good oral hygiene but it alone may not be sufficient to protect you from gum disease and tooth loss.

Many people suffering from sensitive or bleeding gums may avoid flossing under the misconception that they would make their bleeding gums worse by doing it. But the fact is, flossing improves the health of your gums, thereby helping to cure their bleeding.

Even if you were not schooled about flossing during your childhood or teen years, don’t worry, start now. It’s never too late to form good habits . Good oral hygiene is of pristine importance and now you know how you can improve the health of your gums. Go and buy the right floss product.

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. It is very much treatable. Flossing is an important measure to keep your gums healthy.

Plaque is one of the biggest causes for gingivitis. Flossing helps in preventing accumulation of plaque and thereby, intercept the signs and symptoms of gingivitis before they occur. Together with brushing and rinsing, you could keep your smile healthy and beautiful for life. Thus, do take care of your oral hygiene. Now you know perfectly how it is done.

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Dental care

How to Restore Your Smile With Dentures

With missing teeth, it often becomes difficult to eat a lot of food or speak correctly. To give you a smile that makes you proud, dentures act as an ideal choice. There are different types of dentures available based on the number of teeth that need to be replaced.

Removable partial dentures that comprise of a metal framework placed beneath the plastic base. It gives an appearance like a gum tissue. Artificial teeth are mounted on the base and the denture is attached to your own teeth with a metal clasp.

Complete dentures also have a plastic base that holds up the artificial teeth. Complete dentures come with a full set of upper and lower teeth. They are either placed via dental implants or are sealed. Dentists generally place complete dentures once all of the natural teeth have been lost, removed and gum tissue has been healed. Patients are able to undergo denture placement immediately after their teeth have been removed. It does not require a healing period.

Whether it is for single or multiple teeth, dentures are an effective tooth replacement option that are removable and easy to clean.

Taking Care of Your Dentures

  • Dentures also need to be cleaned and brushed daily to remove food and plaque. Brushing prevents staining and helps your mouth stay healthy. A toothbrush with soft bristles should be used as it will prevent damage in the long run.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush to clean your tongue, palate, and gums every morning. Clean your mouth thoroughly. This helps reduce the risk of developing bad breath.
  • While sleeping, put your dentures in a safe place covered in water.
  • Visit your dentist regularly even if you wear dentures. They will conduct an examination for signs of oral cancer or other diseases (if any). They will also ensure that you are comfortable wearing dentures all the time.

Why Dentures Are Better Than Ever
In the past dentures were disliked by people because they didn’t fit well and were quite uncomfortable. These days dentures are fitted and more secure. This makes them less likely to slip. They also offer better support to the jaw and cheeks.

No matter what denture type you choose, it is important to do your research beforehand. Dentures can offer you a great solution for restoring your smile. Not only they fit better and look more natural, but also allow you to wear them without knowing others that you have them.

Interested in dentures? Schedule an appointment with our dentists to get a better insight into denture placement and use.

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Dental care

Which Is Better: Dentures or Bridges?

A missing tooth calls for declined oral health and self-confidence. This is the reason it becomes important to replace a missing tooth. Well, there are multiple options when it comes to replacing a missing tooth but dentures and bridges have emerged as a real saver. Replacing missing teeth is not only important for cosmetic reasons but also keeps existing teeth to move out of place. Dentures and bridges both have their own set of advantages and drawbacks based on the requirement of individuals. It is therefore required to do some research into what will work for you and your lifestyle.

What Are Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are composed of a molded plate that is attached to the replacement teeth. This plate clips onto the remaining teeth that surround the area where you have gaps. A partial denture is something that you wear during the day and take out at night. It is used when one or more missing teeth are in either upper or lower dental arch.

Our dentists place the metal framework across the roof of the mouth and extend them to the lower or back portion of teeth. The small attachment in partial denture connects them to nearby teeth. They are designed to replace multiple missing teeth.


  • Partial dentures are the best for people with misaligned and unstructured teeth.
  • It works ideally for patients who are missing numerous teeth or teeth on both sides of the mouth.
  • Partial dentures are recommended in case of gum disease.
  • Partial dentures are also apt for patients with a certain medical history or smoking.
  • Dentures are also preferred because they are easy to remove.
  • They are also quite economical than permanent bridges.


  • Partial dentures last for around 5 years which means they need to be replaced frequently. However, with other permanent tooth replacement options, there are increased chances of durability and sustainability.
  • When compared with other tooth replacement, dentures are less comfortable.
  • Some patients may find embarrassing to remove dentures when sleeping or cleaning them.

What Is a Bridge
Bridges are considered the best solution in case of single-tooth replacement. A bridge is cemented to your teeth using the healthy teeth on both the side of gaps. They can be used when you have your natural teeth on both sides of the gap created by your missing tooth. Bridges fill a gap in teeth by using existing teeth or implants around the gap. This cements the artificial tooth in place.


  • Bridges are a more permanent solution since there is no risk of falling out.
  • Bridges last often much longer.
  • It allows patients to enjoy the new smile with ease of speech, chewing food better and so on.


  • Complete denture needs to be removed regularly for cleaning which can be time-consuming.
  • It may deteriorate over a period of time.

Which One Is Better?
This question can be best answered by our dentists if you are only missing a single or two teeth, a bridge may be the right option but if you are missing several teeth, partial dentures can be the right fit. Consult our dentists today to find out an ideal solution for your overall oral health

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