Smile Point Dental Victoria

Dental care

How Dental Filling Is Done

A dental filling is something that is done to get cavities filled. Our dentists use preventive procedures like dental sealants in the fissures of teeth to prevent food deposit. Professional dentists at our office will numb the decayed tooth using a local anesthetic. The use of anesthetic will also numb gums and jaws around the teeth. Once the areas are anesthetized, our dentist will use a dental drill to remove the decay.

Once the decay is removed, the next step is the placement of filing. Well, there are several methods that our dentist use to insert the filling. However, it depends on the type of filling you are getting.

Various Types of Dental Fillings

Amalgam Filling
This type of fillings are made of a mixture of metals and have been used by dentists for more than 150 years. They comprise about 50% of mercury with tin copper, zinc and silver as other metals. Compared to other types, amalgam fillings are strong and durable. Amalgam fillings aren’t aesthetically pleasing, so they do not work for a tooth that is highly visible.

Composite Filling
Composite fillings are comprised of resin and plastic. It is placed into the cavity when it’s soft and then hardened with a bright blue light. It is quite popular because it can be matched to the color of the patient’s existing tooth. Composite fillings should be replaced every 5 years as they do not last long.

Ceramic Cavity Filling
A ceramic filling is a favorable option because they are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. They are more expensive than any other types because they are resistant to staining, abrasion and also match the tooth color. It can be as expensive as a gold filling.

Also known as Glass Ionomer fillings, resin fillings are generally for children whose teeth are still in a growing stage. Their span is less than 5 years but they contain fluoride which prevents the oral health from further decay. They are comparatively weaker than composite and more likely to wear and tear. They also don’t match the tooth color as composite resin.

On an average, dental filling last for 3-7 years, however, require annual regular checkups. So, if you come across discoloration, darkening or chipping under the filling, you must consult your dentist immediately. This reflects the need for replacement. Talk to our dentists today to get an insight on how to take care of dental fillings.

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Dental care

How to Whiten Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity occurs to patients who whiten their teeth. For some patients, it could be mild sensitivity and for others it could be severe. Sensitivity in teeth makes whitening a bit complicated process. This is the reason it is good to consult your dentist before starting teeth whitening. Our dentists develop the most effective and comfortable treatment option for whitening sensitive teeth.

For those who are unwilling to bear the pain whitening teeth can cause, here are some quick ideas that will get them long-lasting sensitivity protection:

Choose the Right Toothpaste
A good toothpaste for every day will keep your gums intact and teeth shining. Go for stain stopping toothpaste. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles because a hard one can damage your teeth and gums. Regardless of the toothbrush you choose, use a proper brushing technique. Brush your teeth’s surface gently and in a circular pattern.

Brush After Eating Foods That Stain
The most common stain inducers are food and beverages that you can’t live without. You can still eat and drink food staining products, but brushing soon after consuming darkening beverages will help. Flossing helps eliminate places for potential staining. So, it is best to practice flossing regularly.

Oil Pulling
Rooted in ayurvedic medicine, Oil pulling is an age-old remedy to detoxify teeth and gums. It not only whitens teeth but also beneficial for gum health. Oil pulling is the act of swishing oil in the mouth for 20-25 minutes. Once the mixture is spit out, it should have changed from a clear substance to milky white liquid. This method also minimizes plaque and leads to better oral hygiene.

Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent porous substance that binds tannins (a substance that causes staining and teeth yellowing). Mix a teaspoon of charcoal powder in water and swish with it for a few minutes. Hence, brushing with charcoal is another effective remedy for whitening sensitive teeth.

Avoid Food That Is Cold in Temperature
If you have sensitivity, you must avoid food like ice cream sandwich, ice water and popsicles. These items will irritate your sensitive teeth. So, it is advisable to avoid them.

Before trying any of these methods, we recommend a consultation with our dentists. They can easily guide you through the whitening process and suggest which method may be right for you. They can also let you know which products to use based on the level of sensitivity your teeth has.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Do Braces Fix Overbite?

Overbite is one of the most common orthodontic issues that is seen when the upper teeth overlap more than half of the lower teeth while biting down. In severe stages, an overbite makes it difficult to properly chew food. It also results in damage to the teeth and gums. The lower teeth strike the back of upper teeth and gums causing discomfort along with other dental issues. Overbite is often associated with heredity. Other than this, it also stems from bad childhood habits like nail biting, thumb sucking, prolonged pacifier usage and so on.

Role of Braces in Fixing Overbite
When it comes to fixing an overbite in children, it is usually easier because the child’s jaws are not fully developed at a young age. Overbites can range from a forward positioning of the teeth to a severe overbite which is also known as retrognathic.

Based on the severity of an overbite, our dentists suggest a different level of treatment for our patients. To identify whether your child qualifies for braces, we take x-rays and impressions. The treatment begins immediately with traditional metal braces.

However, before beginning the treatment, it is recommended to consult the dentist to identify whether he/she is the right candidate for braces.

Treating an overbite in adults can be a bit challenging because adults have a developed jaw. The initial treatment starts with the fitting of the brace. Once the teeth have been straightened, the treatment extends to moving the lower teeth forward and upper teeth backward. This helps in achieving overbite correction in a perfect way.

It is observed that treatment with braces might take as long as 1-2 years to achieve correction. It can also be extended if the overbite is severe.

Problems Caused By An Overbite
Overbite leads to various issues related to eating, breathing, tooth decay, and speech deformities.

If you live in or around Victoria and looking for a solution to fix your overbite, our dentist can be of great help. Our dentists can help both adults and children treat overbite, underbite and crossbite issues. Give us a call today at our office to schedule your overbite evaluation.

Click here for more information about What can you eat, not eat with Braces?

Dental care

What Is the Role of Cosmetic Dentistry in Smile Makeover

A healthy smile is a valuable asset which not only restores your oral health but also delivers a graceful introduction of your personality. To restore the aesthetic of your smile, a cosmetic smile makeover is the best thing that grants you a natural looking smile. With enhanced aesthetics of your smile, you will be able to find yourself free from low self-esteem that you might have had due to dental issues.

Smile makeover is customized around the unique needs of patients and includes various restorative and cosmetic treatment options. The only aim of a smile makeover is to map a patient’s journey from the current smile to achieving their goal smile. Smile makeover treatments can fix appearance-related and tooth structure flaws in a single visit.

Why You Need A Smile Makeover

  • From teeth whitening to replacing lost teeth with dental implants, cosmetic dentistry services improve the aesthetic appeal along with functionality.
  • With a smile makeover, you will have better self-esteem.
  • If you have misaligned teeth, misshapen teeth, uneven gums, broken, chipped or crooked teeth or unsightly coloration, a smile makeover is the perfect fit for you.
  • Smile Makeover successfully fills unsightly gaps in smile using dental implants, dental crowns, bridges, and dentures.
  • It whitens teeth and is quite safer and effective than any other do-it-yourself remedies.
  • Reshapes your teeth for a more pleasing look. Porcelain veneers are used because they can be shaped exactly as you want.
  • Smile makeover restores crooked, badly damaged or decayed teeth.
  • It is useful for moving teeth in the right direction.

For a completely natural and healthy-looking smile, dentists make use of tooth-colored fillings.

The appearance of your teeth greatly affects the way you feel about yourself. With a large number of cosmetic dentistry services coming up, we can help you redesign your smile to achieve the results that you have been looking for. The end result of a smile makeover would be a nice aesthetic smile that is straight and perfect in alignment. We are equipped with advanced cosmetic dentistry services like dental veneers, bonding, teeth whitening and many others discussed above. Connect with us today to get that smile you have always been dreaming of.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.